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Due to their strong belief to uphold their traditional values, the people of Colombia greatly respect the notion of marriage and family. Once married, a Colombian woman will remain true and faithful toward her partner. Colombian women grew up in a family that believes that your family should always come first. You can best believe that they will hold this value as well once they start their own family with you. This is one Colombian personality trait that makes them ideal partners.
In a marriage, a Colombian woman will follow through with the vows she made at the wedding ceremony. No matter how hectic her schedule will become, she will always find time to be there for you and your children through thick and thin. When needed, she will be around you to have and to hold, to make sure you recover from sickness, and maintain your form in health. A Colombian bride is a reliable, ideal bride, and any man who gets to be the groom of a Colombian bride is extremely lucky.
Once Colombian women find and be with the person they are going to spend the rest of their lives with, they prioritize that person and the family they are going to build. Colombian brides are known to have unwavering loyalty toward their partners and unconditional love toward their children.
Looking at the history of Colombia, the Colombian household normally follows a patriarchal practice. But the times are indeed changing, and the women themselves have also taken on the responsibility of being the home’s wage earners. Many Colombian families have both parents as working professionals but they still manage to spend time together as a family and as loving parents toward their children.
Being passionate is also a characteristic of a Colombian woman. They are tender, kind, and soft-hearted, and their touch is enough to calm a man’s storm, or conversely, strengthen it. Being married to a Colombian is going to be a wild, fun ride but also secure and loving. Boredom is a dangerous thing that can occur in a marriage, but if you have a wife who is endearing and sensual, patient and kind, it is almost impossible to worry about that notion.
There are clear differences between the women of Colombia and the women of the United States. Both have their own wonders and own faults, but each is great in their own right. The Colombians are more in touch with their cultural roots while the other are more focused on the present and the future. Because of Colombia’s traditional inclination, they are more family oriented and more inclined to religious values.
The people of the west are also more loose and understanding in regards to the idea of divorce, while it is generally looked down upon in Colombia. Compared to the US, and even the majority of nations in the world, Colombia has a higher success rate in marriage. Amongst many things, this fact is one of the standout factors on why the Colombian marriage culture is different from the rest of the world.
The wedding traditions in Colombia have mostly remained the same over the years, as marriage is one of the traditions they considered important and culturally significant enough to let it remain intact. That may be for the best, as the wedding tradition in Colombia is beautiful.
The night before the wedding, a bridal shower is held. Here, people give gifts of silver accessories to the about-to-be-wed, and the mother of the bride gives her daughter a number of monogrammed items for her new family home. It is also during this night that the groom serenades her bride, mostly outside her window, just like the old times. It’s a wonderful night for the bride indeed. They usually end this night with a couple of drinks with their friends and families, sometimes even with a mariachi band in the background.
Colombian weddings are mostly done in Catholic churches because of their religious background. This church is then decorated with a variety of flowers. During the ceremony, instead of groomsmen and bridesmaids, the groom and bride are accompanied by little flower girls and a page boy. The page boy carries a cushion that holds the wedding rings for the couple, alongside thirteen gold coins. The thirteen coins are then taken by the priest, handed to the groom, and the groom hands it to his bride as a symbol of trust and assurance that he will provide for their future family. Prior to the wedding, the couple will pick a godfather and a godmother amongst their friends, instead of a best man and a maid of honor. These two will serve as informal marriage counselors to the couple, to help them mend worries and troubles if ever the going gets tough.
After the couple exchanges their rings and says their vows, they both light two white candles that are beside each of them, they then use those candles to light a third candle in the middle, and blow out the first candles as a symbol of their two beings becoming one. They then carry that third candle as they walk along the aisle towards the outside of the church.
After the wedding ceremony, everybody heads to the reception. Though the location of the reception varies from wedding to wedding, it is usually held at a hacienda. Here is where the Colombians’ love for partying and dancing really glimmers as the night is filled with drinking, eating, and of course, dancing. During this ceremony, a couple of traditional activities are done, usually participated by men. After having their fill of food and drinks, the men usually take out their belt and compare them with one another, and the person with the biggest belt loop wins.
At some point during the night, the men are asked to take out their shoes and place it under the bride’s dress. The bride will then pick a shoe, and whoever is the owner of that shoe, according to tradition, will be married next. This ceremony is similar, but in a way, a contradiction, with how most of the cultures in the world perform this bestowal of blessing.
A Colombian wedding, from ceremony to reception, is beautiful, grand, and joyous. Perhaps it is fitting that their marriages start off this way as they’ve always been believers that marriages should be everlasting. And an everlasting marriage is always beautiful, grand, and joyous.
Colombian brides are good-hearted and kind, but they are also fierce and brave, and those reasons are exactly why they would make ideal brides. You can always count on them to be there for you but also fight for your relationship and family. Being married to such a woman is indeed a privilege.
Newest, beautiful, single women now added for week of Wednesday, 26 February, 2025 - Tuesday, 4 March, 2025
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