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Relationship Advice | The Golden Rules of a New Relationship

man lifting a woman on the street Here’s the perfect relationship advice for those who are starting a new love life!

The relationship is new so everything you feel is exponentially increased, including the happiness, the excitement, and the fear. There is no sure prediction of your future together, but of course, you don’t want it to end so soon — or end badly at that. So how do you navigate this new space with your partner? What are the rules that should be laid out for a secured love life?

On this list, we give you the best relationship advice specifically tailored for new couples. Learn how you can weather the little things and start enjoying your life together.

  1. As a new pair, plan your time spent together. This could be certain days of the week where it is solely about you two and without other people. It is important to note that your special time together, however, should not step on each other’s life priorities.
  2. While spending time together is a sign of a healthy start, you must also be careful not to suffocate each other, either through physical proximity or headspace. Learn to respect each other’s space and individual needs. You must retain your own person even if you are committed to a partnership.
  3. Planning for your goals together is fine and exciting, but when you bring into the table talks about marriage, children or mutual investments — don’t. Leave the future talk for when you are both truly sure or ready for it. Remember, you are still in the early stages. Setting it up now is the same as pressuring your partner and the relationship to mature in a sudden and abrupt manner.
  4. You should also try to become friends with your partner’s friends. They are the people who know your partner’s thought pattern and idiosyncrasies more than you do at this stage in your young relationship. You can learn from them how to better handle the little things that might mean so much to your partner. It will also bring relief to your partner when you accept her circle with respect.
  5. In connection, understand more of your partner’s world through learning their likes. You need not do the same hobbies or achieve the same goals as them, but the simple effort of asking what got them into it or what they aim to achieve through it is already a sweet move from you. It shows your honest interest in the things that bring them joy — aside from you and the relationship, of course.
  6. It is expected that in a loving relationship there will always be intimate and personal touches between partners. These are fine in the confines of your private place, but when you bring this outside, try to regulate the PDA. Not everyone has the same comfort levels when it comes to shows of affection. Most importantly, consider your partner’s comfort.
  7. Lastly, there should be no guessing games in your relationship. Be direct with your feelings and thoughts. Honesty is the basis of a successful relationship, and being vague with your partner will only lead you to problems.

These pieces of advice will prove vital for men and women in a new relationship. Remember: When you start it right, it will grow right. Again, welcome to your new normal, the beginning of your happily ever after.

Still looking for more relationship advice? No need to go any further, just sign up here and we’ll give anything and everything about love.

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