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How to Text Colombian Women

CMan holding a phone. Understand the best ways to send a text message to a woman. | Photo by Startup Stock Photos from Pexels

When guys think of their ideal life mates, Colombian women may be on top of many a man’s list. Part of this is personal preference and another part of this is the reputation of Latin American women being passionate and beautiful.

A lot of men are so interested in them that they turn to free online dating sites in order to find themselves a woman from Colombia. But the thing about these men is that even if they do find some success on such a dating site, sometimes they don’t always luck out.

Many dating websites use text-based communication as their main form of interaction between their users. Some of them might have video chatting to some extent, but text based communication is a staple because it has fewer technological necessities than video chat. The problem with this text based form of communication is that a significant portion of men on such sites may not have a lot of experience when it comes to texting women.

There are plenty of online dating articles that can help a man construct a sentence to say to a woman, like actually say it out in the real world to a real woman. But some online dating articles can neglect the part about getting in touch online. So a lot of men can find themselves unable to craft a text message.

But there are a lot of ways to help a man put together a message so that he can chat up a Colombian woman through text, such as:

  1. A Simple "Hey"
  2. A lot of people, regardless of their gender, generally open up communication with a potential partner by simply saying, “Hey!" Now, there is a bit of a thing going over the internet where the number of y’s at the end of the hey can mean different things. One y at the end can mean a completely different thing than two.

    Now, if you are trying to date ladies from Colombia, you may need to be aware of these subtleties because young people spend a lot of time on the internet, which means they take what is online as gospel.

    But the thing about a hey is that it is versatile. Because the number of y’s at the end changes the meaning, it can be used for a wide variety of things. Plus, it’s just one word, so basically anyone can use it and spell it. It’s also pretty universal that non-English speakers understand what it means .

  3. A Joke
  4. One of the main pitfalls of online dating is that a person who is charming and funny may not come across as such because humor is one of those things where the actual tone of the person is important. It’s why sarcasm is so hard to convey over text.

    But humor is also very important while dating. It is one of those things that a lot of women look for in their partners. So opening with a joke might be called for, but do make sure that it is a joke that clearly conveys as one so as to not accidentally offend the woman with whom you are trying to get.

  5. Compliments
  6. People generally like to receive compliments. Now, Colombian women definitely appreciate a compliment or too, so it wouldn’t hurt to complement your date now and then. But to do so online, it helps to look at her profile pictures so you know what to compliment.

    Pictures are great for people who want to pay another person a compliment because then you can just say that she looked good in her pics. You don’t even have to specify which picture she looked good, just say that she did.

    Making a person feel good about themselves and making them feel like there is someone out there who sees the good parts of them is the whole gist of a compliment.

  7. Questions
  8. Texting another human being is an art form to some extent. You have to be engaging, but also open enough that the conversation doesn’t end quickly. You also have to be interesting enough so that you can get the other person interested.

    Sometimes, a question is a great way to start texting someone, especially if the question is related to their hobby. Not only will they be interested almost instantly, questions are great because they are open ended and can keep a conversation going.

    So if you are planning to text someone that you met on a website, go through their profile to mine it for material so you can go ahead and build a connection with them through the right questions.

  9. Send Some Emojis Or Something
  10. Now, it is often said that a picture is worth a thousand words. That extreme may not necessarily be true, but there are a lot of people who use pictures in lieu of words when they are texting. This is partly why emojis are so popular that they have now become a standard part of keyboards (as opposed to before when they used to be special packages that you had to buy in an app store).

    Now, the thing about emojis is that they have their own separate meanings, which can change depending on the context of your conversation. So if you do choose to use emojis, make sure to understand what they mean and the best context in which to use them.

    The thing is also that there is a good chance that the woman with whom you are texting may use these emojis, largely because that’s just a thing that young people like to do.

    Communication is not always easy, especially when dating a foreign woman. A language barrier can get in the way, so sending a simple text message can be prohibitively expensive—unless you take advantage of the internet.

    Even with the abundance of methods provided by the internet for communication, there is still the difficulty of actually communicating. Not everyone is going to know how to be smooth and suave and charming online. Nevertheless, any man who wants to be with Colombian women is going to actually have to go ahead and send a text.

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