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Relationship Advice | 5 Usual Lines Of An Immature Guy

A man and a woman hugging In this relationship advice, we give you the common lines of immature guys. | Photo by Morteza Yousefi on Unsplash

They say relationships are all about the little things — the little acts of devotion, the little surprises along the way, and the little humps you have to weather through. But sometimes, these little things couples think are insignificant could actually turn out to be major red flags to watch out for.

In this relationship advice for men, we are centering on the five common lines immature guys use in their love life. They may seem harmless, usual phrases at a glance, but they are everything a healthy relationship can do without.

Read on, and try to assess which of these are your go-to sentences and what you can do differently from now on.

  1. “Shut up!” Using this line to end an argument with your partner actually leads to even more fights and resentment than actually solving the issue at hand. Why? Because this sentence is considered a rude manner of trying to quiet someone without putting in an effort to communicate properly.
  2. If you don’t want to talk to your partner, just say so in a respectful way. Adults should easily do this.

  3. “You’ll never find someone like me.” This line is a sign of a toxic way of thinking — making your partner believe that they are no good for anyone else aside from you. This type of manipulation aims to break a person down and make them dependent on someone else for anything, like comfort, love, and companionship.
  4. And if this is your comeback for anything, then maybe it’s for the better that your partner never finds someone like you.

  5. “I don’t feel like doing it.” Obviously done in a whining manner, this sentence only shows that the immature person in the relationship doesn’t fully understand that there are responsibilities he must take on.
  6. We aren’t saying that a man can never dislike a certain chore, but for things that need immediate attention and action, it’s better to get them done than prolong the agony. Or worse, wait for the partner to just give in and do it instead.

  7. “It’s both our money.” Says the man who wants to justify his spending that wasn’t on the plan or agreed on by both parties involved. A mature thinking would not go around sneaking money off the shared account — or worse, his partner’s savings alone.
  8. If it’s a lasting relationship that you are planning on having, then understand that finances aren’t something to toy around and carelessly open whenever you feel like it. As the adage goes, failing to plan is planning to fail.

  9. “Whatever.” This sentence can be as damaging as saying you hate your partner. When they bring up things, it can only mean that these are important for them and they are looking for your attention and input. Being dismissive will not help your relationship create stronger bonds or keep it growing.
  10. And, no mature partner uses “whatever” in an actual serious conversation.

  11. Maturity doesn’t always equal to age. But there are ways you can be better, not only for yourself but also for your partner and relationships, as a whole. Keep this basic dating tip in mind and put in the required effort for your love to grow. Your day one to be more mature and more deserving of your partner’s love starts now.

Still looking for more relationship advice and dating tips? No need to go any further, just sign up here and we’ll give anything and everything about love.

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